Biophilic design kantoor
Moswand akoestiek
Biophilia plantenwand

Biophilic design & interior architecture

Making connections with nature to improve health and well-being in the built environment: sensory architecture inspired by nature.

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Good acoustics in a room, tailored to the perception needs results in comfort and well-being. Hearing natural sounds such as birds, rustling leaves and water reduces stress, has a positive effect on cognitive performance, is calming and improves mental health.



A visual connection to nature is a view of nature, living systems and natural processes. Views of plants, animals, water, seasons and weather have a positive effect on stress, improve our mental health and have a positive impact on well-being and overall mood.

state of mind


Taste and smell always go in combination. These senses reinforce each other. Most of what you ‘taste’ you actually smell.



No sense influences and persuades as strongly as scent. Smell is part of our basic instinct and is woven into our primal brain. Smell has an impact on how we feel. Smell is emotion and can trigger strong memories.

Scent marketing
Big impact
Brand experience


Textures, the difference between hot and cold, water, a breeze blowing in, we all perceive with our sense of touch. When you move into a pleasant room with a nice feeling temperature, you feel many different textures throughout the room, it increases our excitement. This contributes to increased productivity and concentration.

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Biophilic design

Biophilic design is a form of architecture where the inspiration comes from nature. This means that the interior largely consists of natural forms, natural materials, natural light and, of course, a wide range of plants. This creates an inspiring and relaxing environment in which employees, visitors, residents or guests feel many times more comfortable and vital.

Advantages of biophilic design

A biophilia based design promotes creativity, reduces stress and improves clarity of thought. It also increases our general well-being and speeds up the healing process. By bringing different aspects together in a design, an ideal environment can be created in which people can live, work or stay. Biophilic design can be divided into three categories: nature in space, earth of space and natural analogues.

Nature in the room

This form focuses on direct, physical and ephemeral presence of nature in a space. Think plant life and water, but also breezes, sounds and/or smells. The strongest experiences are achieved through direct connection with these natural elements, but also particularly through diversity.

To ensure diversity, a number of elements need to come together. To give an idea of the elements, some are described below:

  • Visual connection: a view of elements of nature, living systems and natural processes.
  • Presence of water: the experience of a place is enhanced by seeing, hearing or touching water.
  • Dynamic and diffuse light: by using different intensities of light and shadow.

Earth of nature

This form addresses our innate and learned desire to see beyond our immediate environment. It focuses on spatial configurations in nature. The strongest experiences are achieved by creating conscious and engaging spatial configurations mixed with natural patterns. Some two examples are:

  • Outlook (unobstructed view over a distance): reduced stress, boredom, irritation and fatigue. Improved comfort and experience of safety.
  • Refuge (place of retreat from the main stream of activity, e.g. the office garden): Improves concentration, attention and perception of safety.

Natural analogs

This form focuses on organic, non-living and indirect stimuli of nature. Objects, materials, colours, shapes and patterns of nature expressed in furniture, textiles, plant objects, artworks and ornaments. Think of wooden wall coverings, granite tops or planters made of earthy products (clay, wood or paper).

  • Material connection with nature: improves creative performance and sense of comfort.
Aarde van de natuur
Biophilic design rendeert

Biophilia pays off

Organisations around the world are increasingly adopting biophilia design because the company wants to present itself as sustainable. They also want to create a nice workplace for staff. What is often forgotten is that it can generate a lot of money for the organisation. This is mainly due to increased productivity and reduced employee absenteeism.

Research shows that about 90% of organisational costs are staff costs. Energy of premises is estimated at 1% and rent at 9% of total costs. The smartest thing to do, therefore, is to make a green investment in staff. Even the smallest improvements in productivity or absenteeism yield many times the financial return!

Source: research company Terrapin Bright Green.

The value of biophilic design in various sectors


Students and pupils who receive education at a location with biophilic design elements have higher concentration levels and less suffering from possible ADHD. As a result, learning rates increase by as much as 20-25% on average!

Office buildings

Office productivity is improved by up to 8%. The sense of well-being increases by 13% on average, resulting in staff calling in sick less often and attending more often. Moreover, biophilic design stimulates focus and creativity as a result. Win-win!


Guests are willing to pay up to 23% more for a room with biophilia or with a view of biophilic design.

Healthcare sector

In the healthcare sector, postoperative recovery times decrease by 8.5% when biophilic elements are present in the premises. Pain medication even decreases by 22% as a result. In addition, it has a calming and restorative effect on residents.

Biophilia elementen in een ruimte

Also biophilic design in your interior?

At Ten Brinke Interior Planting, we believe that an interior is more than a place to live or work. We believe it affects how we feel. Therefore, we like to look at how we can positively influence the feeling you experience in your premises with natural elements.

Together with interior designers, we transform your space into a functional as well as green living or working environment. Ask for expert advice now and find out how we can help you!

Receive a complete biophilic plan from advice to implementation.

Biophilia elements

Biophilia, literally translated ‘the love of living systems’ states the relationship with nature as a basic human need. After all, daily contact with nature in the living environment ensures optimal well-being, both physically and mentally. So this sustainable design strategy connects people to a natural, green environment. This is easier to achieve than you think.

More office plants, a plant wall, moss wall, LiveDivider or water wall really bring nature inside and are expertly placed in the right places by us!

Ontdek de mogelijkheden.

Biophilia planten elementen kantoor
Toekomstig interieur met biofilie

Interiors of the future

As urbanisation continues, it is important for people to stay connected to nature to feel relaxed, energetic and vital there too. With biophilic design, we therefore bring the experience of nature inside existing buildings. Quickly and effectively.

We instantly create more greenery in an environment dominated by stone and concrete. For a durable and future-proof interior, we offer professional maintenance if required so you don’t have to worry about anything yourself.

Experience nature with biophilic design

Humans have five senses: smell, sight, touch, taste and hearing. With these, we experience the nature around us. Our senses indicate what we need, so that ideally we create a balanced balance in which we feel optimal. Biophilic design triggers our senses in the following ways:

Smell and taste

Smell and taste are two senses that are closely related. Both smell and taste evoke emotions and strong memories. Think of the smell of freshly cut grass or the taste of grandma’s apple pie and coffee. With scent experience, we seamlessly integrate these sensory stimuli into your biophilic plan.

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Good acoustics in a room result in comfort and more privacy. More greenery breaks the sound waves and naturally creates better acoustics. This results in less stress and improved mental health. We therefore tailor the biophilic design and associated acoustic elements to customers‘ and/or employees’ wishes.


Viewing nature and its natural processes forms a strong connection and provides benefits. Just seeing plants reduces stress, improves mental attributes and has a positive impact on well-being and general mood.

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Natural textures are a part of feeling. Tangible elements originally help us determine the quality of materials, thus making us feel safe and comfortable. They make us aware of the space, making us appreciate it better and become more inspired and creative.

At Ten Brinke Interior Planting, we have great affinity and experience with the power of sensory experience. With a fine balance of sensory experience in mind, we create a unique plan for each client that integrates biophilia into the interior. That way, we always achieve the desired result.